Blueberry Clafoutis |
I remember the first time I tried Clafoutis. "Cla - what now?" was my first thought. But one bite and I was a believer!
Clafoutis is a traditional French dessert, a cross between an egg-y pancake and a coffee cake, loaded with lovely fresh fruit. In Limousin, the region of its origin, fresh cherries are used, pits and all. Equally delicious are blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, apricots, pears or plums. Served warm, it is perfect for dessert, breakfast, or afternoon tea, and comes together with ease and speed, and very few dirty dishes.
There's only one problem with this recipe .... it's gone in a flash. My daughter and I ate a whole batch of this, made with blueberries, for breakfast last week. Fortunately, it's so fast and easy, I'll just make another one!
Sugar-Free Clafoutis
1 pound berries, or 1 1/4 pound of other firm fruits, as listed above, pitted and sliced
1/4 cup sugar substitute (I like Swerve)
2 TB coconut sugar (optional, but delicious - very low glycemic)
1 cup whole milk (or coconut, almond or other milk, or substitute 50% of it with heavy cream)
¼ cup coconut flour + 2 TB
¼ tsp salt
3 TB unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1 TB vanilla
1). Pre-heat oven to 400 F
2). Butter shallow 2 quart baking dish or pie pan generously
3). In a blender, food processor, or, if using an immersion blender, a bain Marie, combine eggs, milk, flour, salt, butter, vanilla, and sugar. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
4). Sprinkle the fruit over the bottom of the baking dish, then pour batter over it.
5) . Bake until puffed and golden, 35 to 45 minutes
Serve warm